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Newton City Hall Show
May 1 -30, 2019
Wednesday, May 8
5:30 - 7:00 pm

Newton City Hall Show

Sign Up Deadline: April 1

Image Drop-Off: May 1, 9:00-10:30am

Reception: May 8, 5:30 - 7:00pm

Image Pick-up: May 30, 9:00-10:30am
Show: May 1 - 30


NCC members showcase their best work in this-month long show.


Members may request to show 1 or 2 prints. Space is limited, but each member who submits will be able to show at least 1 image. If we have extra exhibit space, we will do a lottery to determine who can submit 2 prints. If you miss the April 1st deadline, contact us to find out if there is still space available and we will try to get one of your photos into the show.




All members are encouraged to sign up to bring a food contribution to the opening.




See details and rules below.



Newton City Hall

1000 Commonwealth Avenue

Newton Centre, MA 02459


The exhibit and reception are on the 2nd floor outside the Mayor's office.

The Details

You must be a member in good standing to submit images to this show.


Your framed image or images should be brought to Newton City Hall on May 1st between 9:00  and 10:30am. If you are not able to make this time, please make arrangements with another NCC member to drop off your prints.

After the images are hung, we have an opening reception on March 8th which we hope all participants will attend. The rest of the club should also attend, along with the many people you invite. All attending club members (participants in particular) should bring a refreshment contribution for the reception. Please sign up to bring a refreshment.

At the end of the show, please pick up your prints or make arrangements for someone else to collect them between 9:00 and 10:30am on May 30th.


How to Sign Up


For this show, you need to SIGN UP by April 1st and indicate how many prints (1 or 2) you wish to exhibit.


After the April 1st deadline, you will be notified about the number of prints you will be able to hang in the show. At that time, you will need to provide the following information:


  • Name of each photo

  • Framed size

  • Price (or NFS - not for sale)

  • Availability to help hang show on May 1st starting at 10:30am


All members participating in the show are encouraged to help hang. Training will be available for those who have never done it before.




  • Label your framed images!
    Put your name, title and the price (or NFS..not for sale) on a label on the back of each framed work. If plexiglass is used, please also add a P to the label so we don’t try and clean them with Windex.

  • Frames must be sturdy and wired
    All frames are required to be sturdy and have a wire across the back. If the frame is not sturdy, your image will not be hung.

  • Framed size
    There are no size restrictions for this show.

  • Mattes.
    There are no matte restrictions for this show. 

  • Protect your images.
    Glass or Plexiglas to protect your print is highly recommended but not mandatory. As above, if plexiglass is used, please add a P to the label. No plastic sheeting please.



IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS please send us an email as far in advance of the show as possible and someone will be happy to help.



  1. You must be a (paid up for 2018-2019) member to participate. Please pay your dues as early as possible, but no later than the day of the hanging.

  2. Indicate your desire to exhibit 1 or 2 images by using the SIGN UP sheet.

  3. Images must be "family friendly" as they are in a public location in City Hall.

  4. Images that have been hung in previous club exhibits cannot be included. Images shown elsewhere or within other club activities are fine.

  5. All images must be framed according to the guidelines in the Framing section (left).

  6. The lighting may be uneven.  We can not control the lighting or guarantee a particular location for any print. Select your images appropriately.

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