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Critique Night

Elisif Brandon

Critique Night

Elisif Brandon

Monday, October 11, 2021

11:30 PM

Remote Meeting (See Instructions/Get Zoom Link Emailed)

Deadline: October 5th

Come hone your critique skills!

The ability to critique thoughtfully, including your own work, is valuable to all of us as photographers. With Elisif's guidance, we're going to spend our meeting on October 11th doing a critique exercise. We will together review a set of photos and talk about both what we see and how we see it. Please review the Critique Sheet prior to the meeting.

To do that, we'll need some photos. If you have a photo that you think would be good to work with for this exercise, please submit it via DropBox by October 5th. 

Click Here to Submit Image for Critique

One submission per member please. If you have not yet renewed your membership, you can easily renew online.

Size your image to 1920 pixels on the long side and name it: 


 (eg, City Lights_Marshall Goff.jpg)

Note: There is no guarantee that any particular submission will be used in the critique. We'll be choosing simply for a good variety of photos.

Elisif Brandon

Elisif is a member and past president of the Newton Camera Club and has been judging for camera clubs including Merrimack Valley Camera Club, Nashoba Valley Photo Club, Cape Cod Viewfinders, and Boston CC since 2005.

Elisif started her own business as a professional architectural photographer 11 years ago, after discovering her passion for photographing buildings. She shoots exteriors and interiors, in both residential and commercial settings, for architects, remodelers, interior designers, developers, and commercial real estate.

Elisif has a PhD in Marine Biology and has done grant-writing for charter schools, but feels she has really found her calling in photography. Besides architecture, she also enjoys photographing rusty things, classic cars and looking for close-up abstract details.

You can view her portfolio on her website Elisif Photography.

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