Emily Belz
Photo by Marshall Goff
RESCHEDULED: April 27, 2020
Online Meeting (Instructions)
Join the meeting using the link sent from our mailing list or from our Google Group. If you did not receive the email you may find the link by searching our Community Forum for “Meeting Link”.
Submissions Due: October 2nd
Judge: Mike Milicia
Generally, our category guidelines are pretty open, but for Nature, we use the Photographic Society of America (PSA) Nature rules, which state that the nature story is the primary driver of image quality, and the hand of man cannot be present unless it is a critical part of the nature story. Also, please review the PSA rules concerning the amount of editing that is permitted.
See our Competitions page for general information and submission specifications.
Please submit photos via Dropbox
You must be a member in good standing to enter. Please pay dues now if necessary.
Please log out of your DropBox account before submitting your images.
Online meeting - see instructions
Mike Milicia
Mike began his professional photography career in 2005 after working 27 years as a Software Engineer. In 2011, he started offering classes and workshops and became affiliated with Shoot The Light Instructional Photographic Workshops, which is owned and operated by Canon Explorer of Light Charles Glatzer.
Mike’s images have earned high honors in the North American Nature Photography Association’s Annual Showcase Competition and in the Audubon Magazine Photography Awards. His work has been published in National Geographic, Audubon, Outdoor Photographer, Nature’s Best, and National Wildlife magazines, and is available for licensing through Birdimagency and Minden Pictures. He has also recently authored three articles for the National Audubon Society’s web site and served as the Technical Editor for Marie Read’s “Mastering Bird Photography” book.
Mike has two main passions : bird photography and teaching. His technical background makes him especially adept at communicating complex subjects in a well organized, step by step manner that proves to be very effective for photography students at all levels.
More information and images can be found online :