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New Season Lineup

We know it's still summer, but soon the Newton Camera Club will be back for another season. With great speakers lined up and exciting competitions and mini-shows, we are looking forward to our upcoming year.

Just some of the speakers we’ve booked:

Check out the full schedule to see what we've planned so far.

Start gathering (keep shooting) photos for our first meeting on September 13th, Recalling Summer Mini Show, where you can showcase your summer images in an online (Zoom) mini-show. Submission deadline is September 8th.

Keeping the Newton Camera Club’s tradition, the Nature Competition will be held on October 25th. Images are due two weeks prior on October 11th.

August 25, 2021August 25, 202August 25, 20August 25, 2August 25, August 25,August 25August 2August AugustAugusAuguAugAuAAusAuAWe have identified a great new meeting space in the United Parish in Auburndale. Given the current safety concerns, however, we have decided to postpone in-person meetings. Our first four meetings of the season will be on Zoom and then we'll reassess the situation. It may be that some meetings are in person, some on Zoom, and we are exploring hosting hybrid meetingAugust 25, 2021As always, if you’re interested in helping out, feel free to get in touch at Keep shooting, and enjoy the rest of your summer!

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