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Amy Oppenheimer

2021 Multi-Club Competition

8 Competition Categories

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

11:00 PM

Submission Deadline:

March 15, 2021

Remote Meeting (Instructions/Meeting Link)

Newton, Boston, Gateway, and Stony Brook Camera Clubs are going camera-to-camera in a four-way competition. To make our best showing, we need YOU to participate. There are 8 categories, and you can enter an image in one category, images in all categories, or anything in between.

  •     Abstract

  •     Architecture

  •     Life during COVID

  •     Macro/Close Up

  •     Monochrome

  •     Two Things

  •     Motion

  •     Reflections

Category descriptions are below. It's important to read these carefully. We suggest that you print out this mini-list and carry it in your camera bag.

Each club will select their entries for each category from member submissions. Our club has opted on a mini-show to collect possible submissions. 

Please submit your images using the DropBox link on the Multi-Club Mini-Show page. 

After the mini-show, a panel will convene to select our entries - a total of 16 photos. We will select one regular and one advanced photo in each of the 8 categories listed above in advance of the March 31st multi-club deadline.

The Multi-Club Competition event itself will be held on Tuesday, April 27, 2021 and all are welcome to attend.

Here are the parameters of the competition.

  • You may submit one photo per category.

  • Just as in our club competitions, there will be Advanced and Regular classes, denoted as A and B.

  • The image has to be taken after April 1, 2020 (no old photos, and make sure the date in your camera is accurate)

  • An image can only be entered in one category.

  • You will submit the image files using the Dropbox link on the on the Multi-Club Mini-Show page. 

The very first Tri-Club competition included NCC, and we won. Let's take back the trophy!

8 Competition Categories

NOTE: All photos must be created after April 1, 2020. 

Abstract: If you search for a definition of abstract photography you are likely to find explanations saying that abstract photography is difficult to define. In general, however, abstracts are created in-camera or in post-processing, by removing the context from the subject being photographed. This can be accomplished by zooming in, blurring, blending, focusing on a small section, exaggerating or distorting an aspect of the subject, or otherwise using “color, light, shadow, texture, shape and/or form to convey a feeling, sensation or impression”. Viewers should see an expressive image without necessarily being able to say what it is an image of.

Architecture: Architectural photography is the photographing of buildings and similar structures that are both aesthetically pleasing and accurate representations of their subjects. This can include both interiors and exteriors of the buildings or structures.

Life during COVID: Our lives have all changed since the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19 began threatening the world in early 2020. It may not be fun, but this is a momentously historic time. This category is for capturing scenes, events and changes wrought in our “new normal” that would have been impossible to capture in any other time. Images will be rewarded for their story-telling capability and should convey the human experience, whether around our house, with our loved ones, in settings specific to the crisis or on the street, whether heroic or mundane. Capture an image that will be relevant and interesting 50 years from now to explain what we are all going through, together or alone.

Macro/Close-up: Macro/Close Up photography is the act of photographing small objects such as flowers or insects, but not limited to those subjects, in close range so the subject you are photographing fills or nearly fills the frame. In other words, it's the act of photographing subjects close up. To keep things simple, we would say that the photographed subject should be no larger than 4”x6”. We would not be strict about this, but the size reference should give you an idea of the range of subject size that is appropriate for this category.

Monochrome: We are using the Photographic Society of America definition: An image is considered to be Monochrome only if it gives the impression of having no color (i.e. contains only shades of grey which can include pure black and pure white) OR it gives the impression of being a greyscale image that has been toned in one color across the entire image. (For example, by Sepia, red, gold, etc.) A greyscale or multi-colored image modified or giving the impression of having been modified by partial toning, multi toning or by the inclusion of spot coloring does not meet the definition of monochrome.

Motion: A photograph is a slice of time. Use your photograph to show the motion that’s happening in that slice. Appropriate images can stop the action or blur the action. Camera may move or remain stationary. Multiple exposures are allowed.

Reflections: page1image40395776

Reflection photography, also referred to as mirror photography, is when you use reflective surfaces to create an artistic echo of a scene. A reflection image should be captured in-camera rather than added through manipulation in post-processing.

Two Things: The photo should be about the relationship between two subjects. The subjects can be anything - animal (including people!), vegetable, mineral, or any combination thereof. The relationship does not have to fit any particular definition, but there should clearly be some relationship or interaction between two main subjects. The goal is to create the image in-camera, so while normal photo editing is allowed, the relationship should not be created through compositing.

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