Emily Belz
Past Competitions
Photo by Joern Hopke
About Competitions
Competitions provide learning through thoughtful critique by experienced judges; recognize and reward good work; and challenge us to create photographs on various themes and topics. Beyond that, they are an opportunity for as many people as possible to share their best work.
The Newton Camera Club typically hosts four themed competitions a year plus an annual Scavenger Hunt, which is run as a competition.
Members: please direct questions to competitions@newtoncameraclub.org.
Competitions from Previous Seasons
2019-2020 Season
Nature (Nature Gallery) April 27, 2020
Around the House (ATH Gallery) January 27, 2020
Architecture (Architecture Gallery) March 9, 2020
Look Up/Look Down (Look Gallery) April 13, 2020
Scavenger Hunt (Scavenger Gallery) May 11, 2020
2018-2019 Season
Nature / Open (Nature Gallery) October 8, 2018
Food / Open (Food Gallery) January 28, 2019
Winter/Open (Winter Gallery) March 11, 2019
Motion/Open (Motion Gallery) April 8, 2019
Scavenger Hunt (Scavenger Gallery) May 13, 2019
2017-2018 Season
Color/Open (Color Gallery), March 12, 2018
Scavenger Hunt (Scavenger Gallery), May 8, 2018